Get Outside!: Work in Your Yard for Mental Health Relief During Social Distancing
Job 12: 7-10—”But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In His hand, is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.”
One of my absolute favorite things to do any time of year is work in my yard. It brings me joy—I find solace in my ability to be surrounded by beautiful things that somehow magically appear every spring and summer. It gives me time to mediate on the Lord, be surrounded by His Creation, and think on all things. In Ohio, the Governor has urged citizens to spend time outside as a way to breathe, de-stress, and stay healthy. There is even evidence that being outside can impact your immunity! With the arrival of spring official, I plan to do all of those things!
While many Garden Centers may not be open (I was fortunate enough to benefit from calling in my order with curbside pick-up and NO human contact at Maria’s Garden), you can still order products online. If you don’t want to do that, there are plenty of ways to get outside and do things in your yard to get in touch with nature, beautify your yard, and take care of yourself!
I always love a pop of color in early spring. I get excited when my tulips and daffodils begin to emerge from the ground, and it’s always easy to add some pansies and violas. All of these can handle frosts and freezes (no worries here!) and are made for this time.
I plan to also plant potatoes, onions, peas, and greens for a spring garden. That will likely happen the first week of April, so stay tuned for a post on that!
Like I said, I was able to take advantage of curbside pick-up at Maria’s Gardens in North Royalton. There are plenty of online options for shipping if you want to stay home:
Some other ways to get outside and work in your yard without making a purchase:
Starting Spring Clean-Up: Clean up leaves, debris, and weed around your yard
Prune plants and shrubs that are in need of this prior to warmer weather
This is also a good time to start thinking about starting seeds indoors for your summer garden! Seeds are inexpensive and can easily be shipped.
Do you like garden? Try it. You might like it.
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