August Rescue
This past July, I got an urge to begin to look on PetFinder for dogs. I grew up with two dogs as a child all the way through the time I moved out of my parents' house in 2009. Two months in my then-apartment, I adopted my calico cat, Ginger, and it had been the two of us for nearly 8 years; however, since moving into my house in 2015, I really began to yearn for a dog. Although Ginger is a great cat and is almost like a dog (she greets me when I come home and sleeps with me every night), she will often disappear on her own when I'm watching TV, while I know a dog would not and would cuddle by me and keep me company.
So anyways, I began to look for a dog. I knew I wanted a smaller dog (less energy that needed to be expended) but not too small (that could easily get stuck in the house when I wasn't home and was able to stand up to Ginger). If they were house-trained and did not chew, even better. So after scrolling through nearly fifty pages and hundreds of dogs, I found only one that just piqued my interest. This dog was named "Mr. Bean." He looked like the Taco Bell Chihuahua and was dressed in a shirt on the photo. He was described as sweet, lovable, non-destructive, and house trained. He was young too--a year and a half old. Not too old but not a puppy either. I was intrigued but nervous to apply. He sounded great, but could I do it? I work, am out in the yard and garden, and always on the go. Could a dog fit in my life? I bit the bullet and just applied one night living by the mantra that I didn't want to regret NOT applying. I figured if he was not what the description said, I could say no (yeah, right). Plus, I thought he sounded like the perfect dog, he was probably already snatched up by someone who acted more quickly than I did.
After several days, I did not hear back. I had tried adopting a couple times before in the past year and had been met with frustration on the difficulty of the process and poor communication. I chalked it up as not meant to be and that it was probably not the right time for a dog. Lo and behold, exactly one week later, I received a response that they were reviewing my application and calling for references. After Mr. Bean (aka Cooper, named by his foster mom) came to visit, I knew he was for me, and I did it.