My Future is So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades!: My Affordable Sunglasses Picks from Sojos, an Amazon Retailer


With the arrival of spring and summer around the corner, it is definitely time to shop for new sunglasses. Although I wear sunglasses all year to minimize wrinkles around the eye, we all can admit we often think of summer when we think of our favorite shades! I must admit I do love my designer sunglasses, but I always hate spending several hundred dollars every time I see a new pair I like. I will often purchase cheap ones to work outside or go to the pool, but they never fit right and often LOOK cheap. Plus, I’m a fashionista, so I need to have different styles for the various occasions I may come across!

When I was asked to try out Sojos sunglasses, an Amazon retailer, I definitely wanted to try it but was curious if I would like them or not. When they arrived in the mail, I was so surprised at the quality and look of these! They looked awesome on and trend, fit perfectly, and were awesome quality. I couldn’t believe I paid less than $20 for these. They look great, and if I take them on a trip, to the pool, or wear them outside when doing yard work, I can look cute but not feel super guilty if they get scratched or lost.

In the photo above, I wanted to pick up this pair (linked below) because I liked the on trend shape of the glasses yet the all black look was super chic and classic. These were only $13.99!


You can never beat a classic aviator style, and I LOVE the mirrored shades. You can even see the sky in this photo! These were also $13.99.


What do you think of these sunglasses?! I absolutely think they are so cute and will wear them throughout the season. Shop my Sojos picks below!

Kristen Nowak